Artist and Content Creator

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Drawing Wednesday Addams
Drawing Khaby Lame
2M Tutorial
2M Results
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✨ Creating captivating videos showcasing the magic of drawing ✨ Hello! I'm Isabel Giannuzzi, a passionate content creator and influencer specializing in bringing the art of drawing to life. I am also a master at crafting captivating transitions and suspenseful tutorials. Through my engaging videos, I capture the imagination and inspire others to explore their creativity. At the heart of my content lies the fusion of artistic talent, storytelling, and anticipation. In my first video format, I take viewers on an enthralling journey, showcasing the entire drawing process. Through skillful transitions, I guide them from a cartoon version to a realistic representation or from an initial rough draft to an awe-inspiring masterpiece of their beloved movie characters, tv shows stars of celebrities. Additionally, I create videos where the drawing evolves into a real-life object, leaving viewers in anticipation until the climactic reveal at the end. These suspenseful tutorials have become a trademark of my content, creating an insatiable desire to witness the stunning results. I'm proud to have built a vibrant and supportive community of young artists who enjoy replicating my drawings and showcasing their own creations on their channels. Why collaborate with me? 🎨 Artistic Brilliance: With my extensive experience as an artist, I possess a keen eye for detail and an innate ability to transform ideas into captivating visuals. 📺 Engaging Content: The anticipation and excitement generated throughout the tutorial videos ensure maximum engagement and extended watch times. 🌟 Influential Reach: As an influencer with a significant following across TikTok and YouTube, I have established a loyal and engaged community of art enthusiasts who eagerly await my content.
Content Type
Instagram Reel
Instagram Post
YouTube Animation
TikTok Animation
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Isabel Giannuzzi
Italy - Creator since 2023
Artist and Social Media Content Creator. I create tutorials and results of my drawings. I can draw basically anything from movie characters to real objects that become real in my videos.
2 TikTok videos (1 tutorial or behind the scenes + results)
3 Revisions
10 Days Delivery
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