Dad to Dad Marketing

0 Projects on queue
Twitter Promo for Lackadaisy Pilot
Nintendo Twitter Promo
Warner Bros Pictures SHAZAM promo
Kickstarter Twitter Promo
My Top Clients
Warner Bros Pictures


Looking to reach an audience of men in their mid-twenties to fifties? My blog averages 25,000 unique visits a month from this demographic who share a common bond of being dads and my Twitter feed averages 100,000 views per month from people interested in topics including entertainment and travel from a dad life perspective. I prefer to focus on reviews based upon my personal experiences using products or traveling to destinations but am also open to publishing provided content to assist with search engine optimization campaigns. Want to work in collaboration with brands that are interested in mutually beneficial partnerships.
Content Type
Instagram Post
E-Commerce Marketing
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Michigan, United States - Creator since 2023
Professional attorney by day - fun loving Dad by night who shares his passion for sci-fi, sports, & adventurous road trips via blogging, social media & freelance writing. Have partnered with brands ranging from Broadway in Detroit to Walt Disney World in promoting destinations, products, shows and events. Would be geeked to work with you in sharing experiences that will inspire people to replicate a journey or purchase I've shown them for themselves.
SEO Package -- you provide article for publication on containing no more than 3 links
1 Revision
2 Days Delivery
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